Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Last Whispers

Jonathan Yomayuza, Sundance 2019, Last Whispers

Last Whispers a piece on dying languages originated as an essay on language extinction and over time evolved into an immersive oratorio. I had the opportunity to translate the piece into its next phase, and help create a episodic volumetric experience. We initially started working on the project as test to see what the VR version of the oratorio would feel like. Early on as I started the rough prototype I became immediately fascinated by the work that Lena and her team had done for the oratorio, and the more I digged into how the piece was assembled I could see the passion that had gone into bringing the piece to its current form.

Work Breakdown

Here is a breakdown video of some of the work I did on Last Whispers

The use of global collection parameters in UE4 was a huge time saver because it allowed me to easily author visual subtleties through sequencer, this made it easier for me to iterate and scrub through multiple changes without having to run through the entire experience or build a complex setup to skip through the experience. This not only helped maintain visual consistency among the assets in scene but it also helped determine and helped me better frame focal points for to user to see.

Last Whispers audience at the Kennedy Center September 2019
